Saturday, September 2, 2017

Listening [Winter '16]

I want to digest everything I've heard, thought, and listened to over the last several months.

[Portland] is gradually becoming more home than it has been.
I have to eat my burrito before we talk.


Now that I have a burrito in me, it is time to write.

The clouds have me feeling sedated. Spending time in the past brings relief. It gets me high. I could roll around in the past for a long time. Sometimes I want to go back so badly I forget about the present.

Writing for the neighborhood paper (Concordia News) has given me the most traction in being a part of my neighborhood, of course.

There will come a day I will think I understand everything better than I do now. I will consider myself well-read and stop listening because I will know better, and that scares me, dear reader.

My concerns, my aspirations:

I am in the business of developing land. Of knowing it, tearing it apart, and leaving something new.
My aspiration is to be a steward of the environment, to be proud and committed to the decisions we make as people who live here.

I am a listener. I am a child. I realize the faults of this.
My aspiration is to hear the right stories, all of them, and so share right words at the precise right moments.
[Remind each other to keep listening. Everything begins with listening.]

I am looking for God everywhere, but always forget to listen.

I always forget to listen.

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