Dear Beloved,
I began writing intentions a few years back to create a reference point for embodying more conscious growth, rather than reacting to conditioned "growth". Last year, I published the intentions I kept in my journal at the time, and in tradition I am publishing the intentions I have in my journal today.
Each intention is written in the present tense, given an energetically-affirming adverb (lovingly, gently, enthusiastically) to describe the way in which I am actively embodying my intentions.
While these intentions are all written in the present-tense affirmative, I want to say for accountability that I often deviate from these commitments in order to tend to my process and conditioning, that I, of my own self-chosen values, have very intentionally built in self-compassion to this growth, rewiring, and reparenting process.
I offer my gratitude for those who have supported the refinement of these intentions:
- My community, friends and family, You who are reading this, Who call me on the phone, Who send me messages of listening and of sharing, Who think of me, Who wonder if I think of You, Thank you first and foremost.
- My own personal talk-therapist
- Katie Colman
- Jefferey Marsh
- Holistic Psychologist and the Self Healers Circle
- Sarah Peyton - Neuroscientist, "Your Resonant Self"
- Dr Gabor Mate - Intergenerational Trauma and Addiction
- Brene Brown - Vulnerability and Shame
These are intentions, and they are written as a sort of vision-board for myself.
Each day, I consistently and with relief, return to these intentions whenever I feel listless or "between" obligations.
Each day, I am whimsically returning to the nature of the work, to imagine beyond what I am conditioned to believe.
Each day I cultivate faith lovingly as a garden by invoking the names YHWH (Yahweh), God, Christ, Spirit, Source, and the Holy Ghost to move behind, through, and in front of me, that I may see, realize, inspire, by the lamplight of Christ in all of us.
Each day I am generously offering my attention, time, and resources to build space in reverence to the Void, which I perceive to be Unconditional Love
Every day, I am lovingly disrupting the patriarchal and whiteness institutions within me, which I constructed in fear, and am dismantling with love, in pursuit of the restoration of my humanity
In each interaction, I am whimsically speaking clearly and firmly from a place of center.
Every day, I am gently investing my time, awareness, and abundance to the creation of connections, generation of gratitude, and the protection and reclamation of the commons.
I am always impeccable with my word. I speak and act in ways which are for Myself, my heart, my True Self, which is of Love and Interconnectedness. I take responsibility for my actions and realize I cannot hold blame or judgment without harming myself.
Each day, I am releasing self importance by the easeful realization that others' Word is more about them, and not about me.
I am always gently and curiously seeking understanding, which I notice most when assumptions arise in me.
I am eagerly choosing actions which I would enjoy doing for their own sake. I understand this is how I do my best.
Each day, I am lovingly bearing witness to the dying institutions of "The Judge, The Victim, and Book of Law", (as defined by Miguel Ruiz in "The Four Agreements")
Each day, I am grieving the death of who I was and so am bearing witness in awe to the emergence of who I am.
Everything I consciously choose points me toward the path which leads to Mastery of Awareness, Mastery of Transformation, and Mastery of Intention, whcih are all Gifts from God to embody God's love.
Each day, I am patiently aware of when I refrain from expressing emotions, with the intention of expressing them in all their most benevolent timing.
I skillfully and with delight recognize repression of emotions, I understand how repression goes against myself and so also others. I use emotion to take joyful loving action for its own sake.
I gracefully recognize my core wound beliefs are part of me and will not simply go away, but are more energized when I am out of balance
I gently and firmly return to balance, name when I recognize being triggered, and plant seeds for naming boundaries to stay centered and resourced.
Each day I am choosing actions which joyfully manifest my intention to be authentic, aligned, and in congruence with my truest, highest, and most loving self.
Every morning, I wake up and take actions which most lovingly manifest my intention to be authentic, aligned, and in congruence with my truest, highest, and most loving self.
Every day, through writing, conversation, and thought, I am inventorying self-limiting and fear-based beliefs, with the intention to express myself, my light, and my gifts more fully.
I am joyfully living into the incarnation of Love, which I believe to be the realization of the Truth of Interconnectedness.
I am graciously accepting the soveriegnty to choose to witness the riffles and eddies created by flow over the rocks and stones of my beliefs without judgment.
I am creating and gifting myself the space to witness and inhabit my center.
I am joyfully cultivating vocabulary and awareness of the transitions in and out of a state of playfulness.
I am happily and easily aware of the state I am in, conscious of its capacity to transform, and be shaped by intention.
I attentively listen to the needs of my body so I can fulfill them and see what I create from a place of subsistence, safety, and consciousness.
Each day, I am lovingly recognizing my fears and befriending them with curiosity.
Each day, I am imagining, envisioning a good life and then manifesting that life by embarking on treasure hunts which are worth pursuing for their own sake.
These intentions are a small altar forged in reverence to Christ (which is written here to mean the physical incarnation of God, which is the whole physical universe). These intentions are of Christ, for the sake of Christ in You and the sake of Christ in Me. These intentions are offered up freely in reverence to the eternal well of God, from which I drink.
In Truth,
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